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Get both courses for the price of one!
Special one-time offer, only $60
Enjoy access to Professional Identity Decoded where you determine your core professional identities. Full price for one course is usually $149, so you get BOTH. Hurry while offer lasts.
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Brand Your Hybrid Identity$89
Your hybridity is your secret sauce. It’s time to share that with the world.
After all, you are MORE than your job title.
This course is a deep dive into who you are at the intersections of your Venn diagram to reveal the gems that make you unique. The intersections are a messy, confusing, and unconscious space, but the more you see the specific things you’re doing there, the juicier the insights you’ll reveal about yourself.
What you'll get:
- Step-by-step guidance on how to brand your hybrid identity
- 1.5 hours of video instruction
- 80-page PDF workbook
- Examples of hybrids and how they use their hybrid titles
- Practical tips on how to use your hybrid title to leverage your personal brand
- Professional Identity Math to reformulate your identity
- DIVINE framework to design a strong hybrid title
- Hybrid Professional Identity Elevator Pitch
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Recent Successes
“Really love how Sarabeth uses the Venn diagram to find identity, and how she broke each step down and provided great examples of questions to ask to be more concise.”
Course Participant
New Hybrid Professional

“Identity leads to your passion and purpose. I felt that was such a mind blowing and comforting concept at the same time. And I can bring my full self to a job and I don’t have to leave behind or hide parts of my identity. It’s been really liberating and freeing.”
Career advisor + voice over artist + professor

Money Back Guarantee
Your satisfaction is very important to me. Refunds are available until 14 days after enrollment
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- 1xBrand Your Hybrid Identity$89-+
- Add Course: Professional Identity Decoded$60
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- Brand Your Hybrid Identity$0
- Add Course: Professional Identity Decoded$60
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- Shipping$0
- Sales tax$0
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- $89
- Discount$0
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- Sales tax$0
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$0 - Today's payment:
$0 - Today's payment
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